Destination Lizard Island
Imagine powdery white beaches so pristine, so untouched that yours are the only footsteps in the sand. You’ll discover beaches of your dreams on Lizard Island – 24 of them and being right on the Great Barrier Reef you’ll find extraordinary snorkelling, diving and more. Outstanding in every aspect, Lizard Island offers an idyllic escape filled with pleasure.
Lizard Island is located 240km north of Cairns and 27km off the coast of Tropical North Queensland. It is a National Park covering 1,013ha with 24 sandy beaches. Lizard Island is the closest resort Island to the outer Barrier Reef.
Regular flights are available from all Australian capital cities to Lizard Island daily via Cairns. East Air operates the connecting flight between Cairns and Lizard Island up to twice a day, which takes around 60 minutes.

Facts sheet
Aerodrome - Lizard Island, Queensland (YLZI)
Category - Unlicensed Aerodrome
Owner / Operator - Lizard Island Pty Ltd, PMB 40 Cairns QLD 4871
Location - Latitude 14 40.6 S, Longitude 145 27.2 E, WAC 3112, VAR 7 DEG E
Elevation - 70ft AMSL
Runway - 12/30 (128 MAG ) 986 x 15m sealed
Runway Strip - 986 x 60m sealed
Slope - 0.6% down to NW
Lighting - PTBL EMERGY only
Radio Procedures - Communications is with Brisbane Centre 121.2 above 3200ft Contact Lizard Island on 126.70 inbound with ETA and intentions
Fuel - Phone +61 7 4043 1999 / Fax +61 7 4060 3991for availability
• The aerodrome and circuit area are subject to severe turbulence in strong wind conditions.
• Overfly aerodrome to assess wind conditions and runway availability prior to joining circuit. Use landing lights in circuit area.
• Right hand circuits when OPR RWY 12.
• Joy flights and flying training are not permitted.
• Operations by aircraft above 5700kg are not permitted.
• All aircraft must use turning nodes for 180 turns on RWY.
• RWY 12/30 transitional SFC infringed by trees on both sides of the RWY.
• Inner HZS infringed by hills to the N of the AD. OBST lights not provided.
• RWY 12 SOT commences at RWS end. ASDA ends at RWS end.
• RWY SOT commences at RWS end. ASDA ends at RWS end.